With all the new cards available in the New Phyrexia Magic the Gathering series, many block players are finally finding the missing pieces to many promising decks that have emerged since Scars of Mirrodin was first released.
On MTGO, the tournament practice rooms are now brimming with exciting new decks and even the casual room seems to have a lot less players running vampire decks even though they still seem to be the dependable beat down if you can't afford a decent caw-blade deck.
Since Scars of Mirrodin first came out I have been trying to develop a decent block deck around Venser, the Sojourner, obviously hunting down every card that I could find that had a halfway interesting enter the battlefield ability.
Now that New Phyrexia has come out I suddenly have too many cards that work well with this fellow. The most exciting of which, in my humble opinion, would have to be the "splicers" of which there are several spanning multiple colors. Splicers hit the battlefield and spit out a 3/3 golem and also provide one of several different golem-friendly buffs such as "golems have flying", "golems have first strike", etc. Needless to say, these cards actually give you a pretty legitimate reason to think about running Precursor Golems, and provide you with many Venser targets.